
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Profiting with Tongues (3)

Topic 3: Speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift
Written by Bro. Samuel Duyilemi.

This is one of the points that those who don't pray in tongues do make to justify their pitiable condition

You hear them say a word like speaking in tongues is a gift, not everyone has it...

Funny, isn't it? It is true that Paul asked that "do all speak in tongues?" but even if the answer is NO, it is Still not enough reason why anyone should conclude that he doesn't have to speak in tongues...

The right answer is; though not everyone speaks in tongues, yet everyone can... Everybody can speak in tongues; you only need to realize that...

If I say for instance that not everyone drives, it is not same as saying Not everyone CAN drive...

The fact is everyone can drive, but not everyone knows enough to drive... If they can grow enough and learn, then they can drive!

Same with speaking in tongues!!

What is a spiritual gift? The word gift there is from the Greek word Charismata which means manifestation of the spirit...

You are the spirit that we are talking about here, and that spirit that you are can manifest in so many ways, it can love like God, it can prophesy, it can discern spirits, it can interpret tongues, it can give the word of wisdom or knowledge, and it can heal the sick and work miracles... One thing it can also do is that IT CAN SPEAK IN TONGUES...

But you got to exercise him to be able to do many of those things that he can do... And the way to do so is to make him meditate in the word and then pray in tongues...

There are some believers who claim that they don't always feel like praying, which is true for most of us, the challenge is when they don't feel like praying, then they don't pray... but the bible says we should pray without ceasing, what then should we do? We don't wait for feelings, we pray in tongues until we begin to pray in tongues...

That seems repetitive right? But it’s just a fact... When you know that you ought to pray, and you don't feel like it, you should just start speaking in tongues anyway, and fix your mind on spiritual facts, and then your spirit man will take over, your real self will begin to generate utterances in your mind, which you voice out with your mouth, and I tell you that if you continue long enough, you may manifest several other gifts that thesame spirit can manifest...

You may give words of knowledge, of wisdom, or prophesy... etc. You may also develop enough faith to heal the sick or cast out devils...
In fact speaking in tongues bring you to the reality of what the word of God says about you...

The word says you are a new creation, but it might not become expressly real in your very emotions that you are new, your past may keep hunting you, but if you can pray in tongues, and pray in tongues, then it will dawn on you that you are NEW...

If something is a spiritual gift, it means anyone that is a spirit can manifest it... If speaking tongues is a spiritual gift, then you a believer can manifest it...

Paul said I wish that you all would speak with tongues... 1cor. 14:5 in verse 39 he says we shouldn't stop speaking with tongues, in verse 18 he says he thank God that he speaks in tongues more than you all.

It is expressly clear that it is God's desire that we all speak in tongues, it is the rest and the refreshing for our spirit Isaiah 28:11-12

I like what the bible says in 1cor 12:4; Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

It is the same Spirit that manifests all these gifts in a believer... It is the same God that worketh all the Graces in all of us...

All we got to do is to allow him... Quench not the spirit, let it soar, make it pray, make it manifest God's fullness... Pray in unknown tongues...

I wanna show you something before I drop my pen for now

1cor 12:
7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

This is the scripture that many misunderstand that make them conclude that Tongues is a gift to some...

Well, that's not what that place is saying...

Others say there is general speaking in tongues, but there is speaking in tongues as a gift... But that's not also true

Verse 11 says
But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

See, all the manifestations of the spirit are the things that your spirit can do whenever it pleases or as you will... Depending on the need at hand, healing when needed and prophecy when needed... If none of them is needed at a particular time, then there is no need for the manifestation.

So it is wrong to be asking for a particular gift when you already got the person that works them all in your spirit...

He says it is the spirit that works all these things... The ONE spirit that is in you, (1cor.6:17) is the one that works healing and every other gifts... And he distributes the manifestations as gifts to people that needs them...

Do you understand that...?
For instance; if someone is sick with cancer in another city, and I pray in tongues here and heal him... What happened is that my spirit worked healing, and distributed it to that sick fellow, and now to the sick fellow, that healing, which he never had to pay any doctor for, is a gift... He got healing for free...

But healing in me is a manifestation, while it is a gift to its beneficiary...

Healing for instance is not always useful, prophesy too is not always useful, there are times that these things are needed and when you don't manifest them, it doesn't mean they are not there... They are there... When you make your spirit pray, with tongues, he will come to the reality of who he is, that the word of God has told you about Him...

I will like to answer your questions...
Feel free

Watch out for topic 4...
Bro. Samuel Duyilemi can be contacted on +2348063221904 Email:

(C) Grace Nuggets 2014


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